Five cattle looking in the direction of the camera and standing in a pasture.


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Pasture Turnout 2024

15 April 2024

Every year, it's such a joy to watch the cattle experience stepping out onto the pasture in pure delight. They are completely in their element here, enjoying the freedom, the fresh grass and the sun on their ba. This is how cattle should live - connected with nature.

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Glücksrinder e.V. Wishes You a Very Merry Christmas

24 December 2023

In the spirit of empathy and compassion, especially during the holidays, we aspire to extend our kindness to all beings. Imagine the beauty of creating a tranquil Christmas for our animal friends.

Wishing everyone a serene, animal-friendly, and mindful Christmas.
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Grazing land

11 May 2023

On May 11th, the long-awaited moment arrived: we kicked off the grazing season. Our Glücksrinder herd moved to their first summer pasture. Out of the barn and onto the fresh pasture they went. And what a beautiful spot it is: a vast pasture with trees and shrubs, a bit of marsh, tall and short grasses, herbs – simply everything a cow's heart desires. The excitement they have as they get to the pasture each season reminds us that cattle can experience pure joy in life.

Pasture Meet-Up

21 May 2023

Reflecting on our pasture gathering on May 21st fills us with inspiration and joy. Wonderful people, engaging conversations, and delicious cake and coffee in the midst of our Glücksrinder herd, who clearly enjoyed all of the attention. We are grateful for the shared moments – we feel recharged and touched by the lively interest in our cattle. A big heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined, making the day sweeter for both us and our beloved herd.