Who we are

The Glücksrinder e.V. is a small organization near Dresden/Kamenz that is committed to a life free of animal suffering and a new coexistence between animals and humans.
We have saved our 15 cattle from slaughter and want to give them a dignified life that fulfills their every need.
While we may not be able to save every cow, we aim to inspire others through our actions. Every rescued animal is important to us!
Our Glücksrinder (translating to “Happy or Lucky Cows”) are individual, randomly chosen beings who we want to give a better, carefree life.
Our concern

As Glücksrinder e.V., it is our aim to create awareness for cattle as sentient beings with an intense social nature. It is our sincere wish that cattle are no longer restricted to their "farm animal status", which is attributed to them in our society, and that they are given the visibility they deserve. With our organization's work, we try to educate people about the complex needs of cattle.
Animals are not there for us, but with us. They are our fellow creatures and we should look upon every living being that shares this beautiful planet with us with sincere feelings of respect and appreciation. We believe in a more conscious, just and responsible world.