
This is where I'm from ...

Glücksrind from the beginning

My favourite in the Glücksrinder herd is ...

My dearest Moni

You can spot me easily by the ...

Freckles on my snout

If you were my sponsor, I would...

Curiously examine and sniff you

Use my body language to show you what I want

Ask you to bring enough apples when you the visit

My birthday

March 5th, 2020

What sets me apart ...

  • A tough young heifer
  • Assertive
  • Earlier: Shy - Today: More outgoing

Three hashtags that describe me ...




I like to ...


have secured Flocke monthly with 120€

I am fully covered on a monthly basis.

Further support is deposited in Flocke's savings account for urgent cases.

Do you want to support Flocke?

Become a sponsor