
This is where I'm from ...

Glücksrind from the beginning

My role in the Glücksrinder herd

Level-headed herd leader who sometimes has to put the others in their place.

I am ...

An impressive, yet gentle companion.

Three hashtags that describe me ...




My birthday

February 16th, 2019

If you were my sponsor, I would...

Impress you with my mighty size

Have you brush my white fluffy coat

Infect you with my relaxed aura

My biggest secret ...

Sometimes, despite my age, I still drink the delicious milk from my foster mum Karin.

My favourite pastime ...

Peacefully ruminating in the pasture, while lying in the middle of the herd.


have secured Frido monthly with 45€

75€ are still missing up to the full monthly coverage

Do you want to support Frido?

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