This is where I'm from ...
I was the last calf to be born into the Glücksrinder herd, shortly before the entire herd was to be sold to the slaughterhouse. The very thought of being separated from my mum and put in the stockade for a short life makes me shiver. Luckily, things turned out very differently.This is what I look like ...
Looks can be deceiving. On the outside, I'm a robust heavyweight, but inside I have a tender, loving soul that wouldn't hurt a fly.How I would describe myself ...
Outgoing, sociable young ox
Peaceful and calm
People-oriented teddy bear
If you were my sponsor, I would...
Show you how relaxing it is to chill out in the pasture
Teach you what a good cuddle session looks like
Introduce you to my mum, Marianne
My friends are ...
the Holstein gang – Anton, Carlino, Dieter and Punky. I've also got a soft spot for Flocke and Moni.My favourite childhood memories ...
- Growing up with my mum Marianne in the Glücksrinder herd
- Getting to drink mum's milk, which was meant just for me
- Romping in the snow as a December calf with my fluffy coat
Three hashtags that describe me ...
My birthday
December 27th, 2020Patenstatus
7 sponsors
have secured Pepe monthly with 120€
I am fully covered on a monthly basis.
Further support is deposited in Pepe's savings account for urgent cases.
Do you want to support Pepe?
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