
Meine superpower ...

True to the motto "The grass is always greener on the other side", I can can maneuver myself so well that I can eat almost half lying down under the fence.

This is where I'm from ...

I was kept by a part-time farmer who actually saw us as "beef cattle" and was planning to take us to the slaughterhouse. Fortunately for me, a few caring people founded an association to prevent this from happening. I am one of the first to become the Glücksrinder herd.

My birthday

March 8th, 2015

I am ...



Lavish Connoisseur




In the middle of the herd


Away from the herd

My wish ...

Is that, despite my shy nature, there are enough sponsors for me and that I am simply accepted for who I am.

If you were my sponsor, I would...

Watch you from a safe distance with my ears perked

Step back a bit if you come too close to me

Happily let you approach me if you me bring apples





My favourite in the Glücksrinder herd is ...

My foster son Frido, who I always want to have close to me and never lose sight of.


have secured Karin monthly with 110€

10€ are still missing up to the full monthly coverage

Do you want to support Karin?

Become a sponsor